Teen Programs


Junior Leaders
Grades 6-8

The CRA Leaders Club program is a group of kids that help out with community events and programs.  The events that we ask for assistance are Road Race, holiday events, food drives, coat drive, coaches for youth teams, help with after school programs, and other events and fun activities. We also hold events such as Christmas caroling at the nursing homes, a Christmas party, as well as Car washes, and raffles, and we will end the year with a special trip.




Rotary Interact Grades 9-12

A teen leadership program for high school students run in collaboration with Dalton Rotary. This group is active helping with many CRA programs. They help with food drives, the annual coat and hat drive, Halloween events, and they are the elves at the CRA Winter Wonderland. They also make cards to bring cheer to the home-bound, tutor, and in 2020, despite the pandemic they have been active helping in our community with pet food drives, food drives, and raising funds for gift cards for families that could use some help for Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Youth Advisory Board

Made up of students nominated by their teachers, this group helps the CRA develop new programs for our community.  The students learn life time skills, including project management, organizational skills and giving back to the community.